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Fruit Salad Cake, Recipe & Hot To Prepare.


175g/6oz dried fruit salad,
roughly chopped
250ml/9fl oz hot tea
225g/8oz wholemeal
self-raising flour
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
50g/2oz muscovado sugar
3 tablespoons sunflower oil
75ml/3fl oz skimmed milk
Demerara sugar, to sprinkle.
Method :
• Soak the dried fruits in the tea for several hours or overnight. Drain and
reserve the liquid.

• Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas mark 4. Grease an 18cm/7in
round cake tin and line the bottom with non-stick greaseproof paper.

• Sift the flour into a bowl with the nutmeg. Stir in the muscovado sugar,
fruit salad mixture and tea. Add the oil and milk and mix well.

• Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin. Sprinkle with Demerara sugar.

Bake for 50–55 minutes until firm. Turn out and cool on a wire rack.


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