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Pear Cream Pie,Recipe & How To Prepare

Ingredients :

For the shortcrust pastry
300g/11oz plain flour
pinch of salt
175g/6oz butter, cubed
50ml/2fl oz iced water
For the filling
700g11⁄2lb pears
100g/4oz sugar
500ml/18fl oz double cream
1⁄4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 egg yolk, lightly beaten.

Method :
• To make the shortcrust pastry, sift the flour and the salt together into a
large mixing bowl. Add the cubes of butter. Rub the butter and flour
together with your fingertips until the mixture has a coarse texture.

• Stirring lightly with a knife, sprinkle water over the dough until it just
begins to cohere. Gather the dough together into a ball, pressing it
together with your hands. Wrap in cling film and chill for 30 minutes.

• Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas mark 4.

• Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3mm/1⁄8in and use two-thirds of it to line a 23cm/9in pie dish.

• To make the filling, peel, core and slice the pears. Mix the pear slices
with the sugar and cream, and add the pepper. Fill the pie with this
mixture, and cover with the remaining dough. Glaze with the egg yolk,
and cut a small slit in the top so the steam can escape during cooking.

• Bake in the oven for about 50 minutes or until the top is browned. Serve

warm or cold.


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